Sunday, October 31, 2010


 資料提供﹕中華氣機導引文化研究會( 電話:02-2778-6116

搶救黃金三十秒 寶貴 
心肌梗塞就是心臟缺氧,心臟缺氧導致血液凝固,血液無法將氧氣輸送至腦部,就 會造成腦死。搶救的黃金時間只有三十秒。 心肌梗塞發生前一兩個月通常都有胸悶現象,時好時壞,病發的一、兩天會特別累、 感覺很悶。這時候就要特別注意。 患者不分老少,請務必讓您身邊的人學會以下搶救的方法。

  • 持續呼叫他的名字,讓患者保持清醒,絕對別讓他睡著。
  • 身上最好準備一小瓶沉香油。沉香油是急救之王。心臟名藥「救心」即是沉香所提 煉。首先,將沉香油滴幾滴到患者的舌頭上。
  • 用手指壓人中,壓到患者眉頭皺 (見圖一)
  • 握空拳,反覆滾壓膻中到華蓋這個區域,刺激心臟肌肉。(見圖二)
  • 以右手握空拳,左手疊合其上,用身體的力量從右到左滾壓胸腔,壓、滾時,提醒 患者吸氣;手放開時吐氣。
  • 直到患者兩肩會動,臉色轉好。


珍重生命,請大家告訴大家 中華氣機導引文化研究會 祝福您享受健康的人生

Myocardial infarction first aid
[Translated from Qiji Daoyin's circulation]
The first 30 seconds is absolutely vital. 
Myocardial infarction is heart hypoxia resulting in blood coagulation, hence unable to transport oxygen to the brain. This in turn leads to brain damage. Prime time to rescue is only 30 seconds. Two months prior to myocardial infarction, the symptoms are usually occasional chest tightness, bad mood and tired. One or two days prior, the patient will be completely exhausted. If this condition exists, one must pay special attention. This could happen to anyone regardless of his/hers age. So people around you must be equipped the following first aid knowledge.
Step 1
  • Do not let the patient fall asleep. Continuous say his/her name, to keep the patient awake.
  • Prepare a small bottle of incense oil (agalloch eaglewood oil is the king of first aid). Put a few drops of incense oil on the patient's tongue.
Step 2
  • Use a finger apply pressure on the patient's "ren zhong", the mid-point between the nose and the upper lip, till he/she frowns. (see diagram 1)
  • Hold fist to repeatedly roll on the mid chest region to stimulate movement of the heart muscle. (see diagram 2)
  • Put the left hand on the right fist, apply pressure the help of the body weight to roll from right to left on the chest. Instruct the patient to inhale when you apply pressure, and exhale when you release.
  • Continue until the patient moves his/her shoulders and his/her face turn to look normal.
If you don't have anyone around you when this occurs, you can do these:

1, cough strongly;
2. hit your chest hard with fists;
3, lie on the floor, roll chest left and right vigorously
Life is precious, please tell others about this. The Qiji Daoyin Cultural Studies wishes you a healthy life.


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