The supine position is a typical sleeping position when one is extremly tired or drunk. In this position, saliva can easily fall into the trachea, likely to cause snoring, choking, or even stagnation in breathing. Without providing proper conducive for the lungs, there could be bad effects to the respiratory function. Therefore, changing to a different position after a period of time is more desirable.
2。 On the stomach
Sleeping like a baby on the tummy is good for those who often drool. However, the chest can feel oppressed, not healthy in the long run. The drawback is it may affect blood flow, heart beat and breathing. Traditional Chinese Medicine always encourages people to ensure a good respiratory condition to sleep.
3。Curling up the body
Sleeping with a curled body is a bad sleeping position. It is harmful to your back and neck. According to researches, 20% of the back or neck pain problem is due to poor sleeping position. Traditional Chinese Medicine always suggests people to keep their back and neck straight while sitting, standing or lying down. Without straightening the back for 6 plus hours is not healthy. This position should be avoided.
4。Arm under the head
This sleep position is unconscious. You may be thinking too much on bed putting the arm under the head, but unwittingly fell asleep. You will wake up to find no feeling at all in the arm from shoulder to fingers. Hiding the arm under the head motionless for hours will cause compression on nerves along the arm. This can lead to paralysis of the forearm, wrist and fingers. Furthermore, this position also jeopardizes blood circulation. Upon deep in sleep, because we are not aware of the situation to make an adjustment, we can quickly enter a period of paralysis. So it is important not to make it a habit to use your arm as the pillow.
5。Sleeping on the side
Sleeping sideway will put the full body weight on your arm and leg on one side. At the beginning you may not feel anything wrong. But when it became a habit, problems such as blood stasis will arise. Experts studied 2,000 cerebral infarction patients and found that more than 95% have a habit of sleeping sideway. For those who have atherosclerosis will increase the barriers on blood flow, particularly on the neck, and can easily cause artery injury. To avoid the risk, it is better to sleep on half side and switch to a supine position from time to time.
Sleeping sideway will put the full body weight on your arm and leg on one side. At the beginning you may not feel anything wrong. But when it became a habit, problems such as blood stasis will arise. Experts studied 2,000 cerebral infarction patients and found that more than 95% have a habit of sleeping sideway. For those who have atherosclerosis will increase the barriers on blood flow, particularly on the neck, and can easily cause artery injury. To avoid the risk, it is better to sleep on half side and switch to a supine position from time to time.
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