Thursday, October 28, 2010

Drinking Coffee to Lose Weight

Caffeine has the function of promoting steatolysis; therefore drinking coffee can also lose weight. Generally speaking, 4 cups of coffee without sugar and milk may help you achieve ideal body weight. However, this method is unfit for people who have indigestion, acidity and insomnia.

If you are not accustomed to bitterness of coffee, you may add little milk but not add sugar, because the sugar can hinder steatolysis. Hot coffee is more effective than ice coffee. The hot coffee may help you consume calories quickly.

Coffee's fragrance can keep you calm and enhance sense organ's sensitivity; therefore drinking a cup of coffee can improve your working efficiency and stimulate your desire of losing weight.

After drinking coffee, your weight loss will have better effect if you do some exercises. For instance, walking for 10-15 minutes; going to office by stairs instead of elevator or doing other exercises (such as stretch upper body, step, shrink abdomen and so on).

Massage by coffee grounds cannot only give you smooth skin, but tighten your skin and improve your looks. If you use coffee grounds to knead after bath, you'll receive better effect.


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